Monday, March 5, 2012

Why Haiti? Why Now?

While my family and friends have been supportive about my decision to go to Haiti, a few people have expressed concern. They've said it may not be safe. They've said that I should focus on my own job search. They've said I can't afford the time or money it costs to make this trip. It is true - there are safety issues. It is true - I don't have a job right now. But it is also true that I honestly believe God has called me to do this. And I believe that one of the reasons I've been given this 'unexpected vacation,' is so that I can participate in a mission trip like this one.

While losing my job was devastating, I have tried to change my perspective about the situation. Instead of seeing it as a setback, I can choose to see it as an opportunity for growth. 

I've used this time to consider, "what is my purpose?" and "how does God want to use me?" The Reverend Charles Stanley says, "obey God and leave all the consequences to Him." Realizing that every act of obedience is rewarded with blessings, it becomes clear that following His will is really the only choice. So, by taking this trip, I am obeying God's call.

I've also had time to reflect on what I love about my job and where I want to go in my career. I love talking to patients and making them smile or laugh. I love caring for patients and making a difference in their lives. What better way to accomplish this than by going where the need is greatest?

Due to poverty, poor access to clean water and a dearth of skilled health-care providers in Haiti, half of pregnant women and up to 75 per cent of children under age 2 suffer from anemia, according to UNICEF. Life expectancy at birth is only 54 years. In terms of health care spending, Haiti ranks last in the western hemisphere. There are merely 25 physicians and 11 nurses per 100,000 people. Moreover, only one-fourth of births are attended by a skilled health professional. Most rural areas have no access to health care at all, making residents susceptible to otherwise treatable diseases.

This mission trip to Haiti may help give me clarity about God's purpose for me. Maybe it will help me get back in touch with why I chose a career in medicine in the first place. And, maybe it will simply help me to put things in perspective and realize how fortunate I really am. 

I am truly thankful for all the support I have received from my family, friends and church. I cannot thank you enough.


A Life of Obedience
Charles Stanley's In Touch Ministries Website

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