Monday, April 23, 2012

Men anpil chay pa lou
Many hands make the load lighter, Haitian proverb

In March, I joined a team of volunteers for a medical mission trip in Haiti. Our team of 24 volunteers spent 8 days providing free medical care.  We set up our clinic each day in a different Haitian community. We used whatever structure we could find including an abandoned bus, a church and a school. 
Among the volunteers were two physicians, a midwife, multiple nurses and a few physical therapists. Team members also came from non-medical backgrounds such as computer programming and insurance sales. The medical providers saw patients and sent them to our pharmacy where they would pick up the necessary medications. 
Each day we saw hundreds of patients. From easily treated minor complaints to severe problems requiring special attention, we helped over 200 patients each day. On our busiest day, we helped 432 people.
Haitian citizens joined our team as interpreters, organizers and security. In the short time we were together, we became family. For all involved, it was a powerful experience - one that would not have been possible without the prayers and support of family and friends like you. In Kreyol, I say Mesi – thank you.