Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beat Malaria

Support for the mission trip is really coming in! I'm so touched by the response of my family and friends. When I went home this past weekend, I was showered with much-needed supplies for my trip. I've gotten flashlights, water purifying tablets, a personal fan and a walkie-talkie! I also got mosquito nets, mosquito repellent and clothing that has already been treated with mosquito repellent. So, malaria - I'm ready for a fight!

Nearly one million people die of malaria every year. But, as we learn from George Clooney's bout with the disease, it doesn't have to be deadly if one has access to proper treatments. Clooney himself simply took medications for the disease, which includes flu-like symptoms such as shaking, the chills and fever and is carried by infected mosquitoes.

"This illustrates how with proper medication, the most lethal condition in Africa can be reduced to a bad ten days instead of a death," Clooney said.

International Medical Relief (IMR) provides critical education on how to prevent malaria as well as medicines for victims with malaria. Your donations can help save a life by allowing IMR to provide medicines for malaria victims and education on how to prevent getting malaria in the future by using bed nets, eliminating mosquito larva and much more.

Thanks to the generous donations of friends and family, I now have just about everything I need to protect myself from malaria. And everything from my original wish list has been donated. So, I went and made a new one! At this point, the team has begun tallying up donated supplies and many things are still missing. So, the new wish list is mostly made up of clinic supplies and medications. Please check out the new list and see if you can help.

Many thanks,


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