Friday, February 17, 2012

Join me on a medical mission trip to Haiti!

     I’m writing to let you know about my upcoming mission to trip to Haiti in March. I would love for you to join my team!
     International Medical Relief has invited me to join a group of volunteers and medical professionals to provide free health care services and education to the people of Port au prince. This community is still suffering from the effects of the devastating earthquake two years ago.
     We will minister to their physical and emotional needs. Prayerfully, our work will plant the seeds of hope that will lead to a more promising future for the people of Haiti. To do so, we need the help of friends and family like you. Each team member must raise donations to cover personal expenses. As well, we are encouraged to raise donations of much-needed supplies.
     Please “join” the team by providing whatever support you feel led to share. And, of course, keep us in your prayers.
Many thanks,

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